My Little Family
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Some photos I've taken of flowers.

Some of these are flowers that are around our house. Others are from the zoo and then there are the wild desert flowers. I am very proud of these pictures because I took them most of them. I think they came out really good.


This is just a leaf from a cinnamon fern. The light was coming through the trellis work overhead. It was so pretty to me that I just had to take a picture. I'm so glad it came out so well.


This is a new fern leaf that hasn't uncurled yet. It was such an interesting form that this was another picture just begging to be taken.


This is an "easter lily". Not exactly sure what the real name is, so I'll just call it that for now. Oh! The aroma was absolutely wonderful. And the beauty was just... wow.


These flowers are from a shrub that I will need to find out the name of. The various shades of purple were just gorgeous.


This is a gerbera daisy. The colors are so vibrant, I had to take a picture.


This rose is called 'White Lightening'. It is a beautiful rose with an excellent smell.


We had a family outing to the zoo and this is a picture Randy took of the sun shining through the bamboo. I thought it had such an interesting look to it.


This is plumeria. Such a beautiful flower with a scent to match. These are the flowers that Hawaiian leis are made from. This was at the zoo, too.


This is a hibiscus flower. I've seen lots of colors of hibiscus, but I don't think any of them impressed me as much as this one.




These are all the desert flowers. They were just wonderful to see. Miles and miles of these beauties.
