My Little Family
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Let's start from the very beginning...

Ok, well, not from the VERY beginning...

Randy and I met at ITT Technical School. We were both Hospitality Management students. That was way back in 1994. We quickly became friends and really enjoyed our time together. I also was able to meet and start a relationship with his two wonderful sons... Rob and David.


This is Randy and I the day we graduated from ITT. It seems sooo long ago. In another lifetime. It was 10 years ago, so I guess it was a long time ago.
And no comments about my poofy hair!


This was taken before we headed off for a date. Hubby dear surprised me with tickets to a Seal concert. Boy, that was a good time! We got all fancied up and went out to a nice dinner. Then we headed out for the concert. I tell you... Seal really knows how to put on a show! I wanna go AGAIN.
Anyway, this was taken in July of 2005.