My Little Family
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Laugh with us...

Boy do they like to have fun! They are silly, silly girls. No one can ever say my children lack personality or a sense of humor. When they are around, funny things just happen.


This was on a trip we took to Yosemite. They were so excited to play in the river. OH BOY was the water cold! But of course, being children, they obviously didn't care.


She got into the pink highlighter and decided to put on some makeup. I scrubbed and scrubbed and this is as good as it got.


She is looking through the bug bucket/catcher they have. She looks pretty funny on the other side.

What big eyes you have Katie! They really enjoyed looking through this bucket. I think they have used it more for that, than to actually house a bug in it.


AHHHHH! She is so silly. She likes being goofy for the camera. OH the pictures I get.


I really enjoy being their mommy. Yes, of course, they have their moments, but as a general rule, they just make me laugh! They are so much fun. I have two of the most wonderful children anyone could ever ask for.