My Little Family
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About My Family

MARCH 2007 - Well, what a time. Life can get really crazy. I have had a 15 year old in casts because of surgeries on his hands, I have had a four-year-old with a possible broken nose (thankfully it wasn't but still it was stressful), a five-year-old in a cast up to her mid-thigh and a seven-year-old that will be needing surgery on her foot because of a cyst and will be in a cast for three weeks. OY!

I have been to the ER twice and my father keeps going to multiple doctors only to be told that they have no idea what is wrong or that they know what is wrong just don't have a way to help. An old family friend of my husbands family has cancer and is going 2hrs away to a well-known college that has research facilites, once a week because they are trying to give him some hope. The form of cancer he has, does not repond to chemo or radiation.

Randy and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. I am thankful that we were able to make it through our rough spots, so that we made it to where we are now. Our relationship has grown so much. We are both so much more mature, and it amazes me how much a faith in God has helped me and my family.

David is doing so much better in school. Sometimes he actually enjoys learning. He is also starting to learn that school may just some sort of importance to the rest of your life. He went from all F's to B average. Great, isn't it?

Katherine is doing very well in school. She is reading fourth grade level books now and is only in second grade. Together we are working on fractions and multiplication and division. She is getting excited and actually enjoying math. She also really enjoys having her big brother around.

Veronica is thoroughly enjoying pre-school. She really has learned a lot from Katherine and is very academically advanced compared to everyone in her class. She loves to learn, is doing some of the first grade math and can sound out many words on her own. She also enjoys having David around. They all get along well for the most part.

December 25, 2005

Randy and I are going to celebrating our 7th anniversary, this coming January. Oh, the things you can go through in such a short time! Crazy.

Randy's son David, moved in with us, November 22. We've gone through the mediation and the court date is set for January 19 for the official custody papers to be signed. His mom is not contesting the issue and so he will be legally ours after the 19th. For now, he has been sleeping on a mattress on our living room floor.

Once it is official, we will be switching houses with Randy's parents so that we can have a three bedroom house. They will be coming into our two bedroom. All I can say is that they are two of the most wonderful people I know.

Katie is doing well in school, other than the fact that she is so interested in what everyone else is doing, she ends up not always finishing her work. She still very much enjoys learning. Her newest thing is wanting to read the dictionary for fun. How can I say no to that?

Veronica is loving the fact that she is going to school next year. She already knows how to rhyme. She will walk around the house just spontaneously rhyming. She is always learning something from Katie. Good job.

UPDATE ~ September 27, 2005

Well, Kate (decided she didn't want to be called KATIE anymore, now it's either Kate or Katherine) is now in first grade and doing fine. Having a good time in class and enjoys her teacher, Mrs. Cooper.

Veronica will go to pre-school next year and so I am trying to enjoy the last year I will have one of them with me all day. I'd better stop talking about it before I start to cry.

Kate is 6 now and Veronica just turned 3.

Here is a quick update...

Randy and I have just had our 6th wedding anniversary. It seems like we have been together forever. Marriage is certainly a lot of hard work, but we have had quite a bit of fun along our journey together.

Katie is in kindergarten and loving it. She is leaving the other children in the dust with her reading ability. She just received her semester report card and was graded above average in everything. The only thing the teacher says she needs to work on is keeping focused on her work. She's not disruptive but likes to think about other things.

Veronica is easily following in Katie's footsteps. She is working on writing the letter A. She asked me one day how to write it and so we have been working on it. She gets so excited when she does a good job.

They both have a good vocabulary. Their new word is onomatapoeia. Veronica says it more like matamatapia but hey she's only 2 1/2. And of course she learned it from Katie.

Katie teaches her so many things. Most of them, I can thankfully say, are good. Others... well.


Randy and I on our wedding day. January 9, 1999.


If you click here, you can go see all the pictures that have ever been taken of the girls from Kiddie Kandids. Don't you think they take wonderful pictures?

If you want to see some pictures of five generations and of Katie, Veronica, my grandmother and I, then you can click here.

Click here if you want to see the pictures of baby Zoey, that were taken at Sears.

Click here for a LONG list of our favorites... some of them are a little funny. Hope you enjoy learning about us.