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My Little Family

Welcome to our family photo album!

This is the best job I have found... to be a wife and mother. I can't say that I have enjoyed every minute of it, but there have been a mulitude that have been pure bliss. Those are the moments that make the "other" ones fade.

This is my photo album of the people in my life that mean so very much. Granted there are a few out there (you know who you are), that would have a hissy-fit if I posted their picture. So although you mean a lot to me, I will respect your wishes and not put your picture here.

I hope you enjoy the few moments you will spend here. Also, if you have the chance... you can sign my guestbook. I'd love for you to.

We hope to update this page often with new photos. Remember, I said, hope.


Click HERE to see pictures of "My Favorite People".

Click HERE to go to my yahoo photo album. Not many pictures, but proud of them all.