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Poems that I wrote a long, long, LONG time ago...

This is kinda wierd for me, but here are some of the few poems of mine that I still have. Most of them got burned. Don't worry... I am the one that burned them. The world has enough depressing stuff, without me adding those "things".
Anyway, these are some of the more positive ones that I have left. I hope you enjoy them.

The road of life
Is long and perilous,
But if you travel
With peace in your heart
And a cleanliness of your soul,
Then you shall reach
The end in an
Ageless brilliance of
Genuine simplicity.

Forever you shall live
If you leave
A little of the best part of
Yourself in everyone
You meet.
Touch the soul and brighten every aura
That you come in contact with.
Allow your inhibitions to
Fall from
Your mind and life
To set you free.

Untangle yourself from any
Human bonds.
These shackles come in
Many forms.
Bitterness, greed,
Doubt, jealousy,
Guilt, fear and
A deep aching envy.

Revolt and trust your
Innermost and truest feelings.
Do not become something you are not.
Travel down this life's road,
Understanding the
Philosophy of Peace,
The Crystal Continuity of Faith and
The Innate Wonder within the World.

January 30, 1994

The road is a long but happy one.
Happy for those who have faith
In their hearts.
There are pits along this road
Where you can fall.
If you fall, you may damage your future,
To the point beyond forgiveness or repair.
These pits are countless in number and
unimaginable in depth.
Have faith and you shall overcome
Any pit of temptation.
Do not close your eyes to the world
For if you do,
You will not see the dangers before you
And will surely fall.
Do not close your eyes but also,
Do not become one with the faithless.

Walk against the world
And you will not walk alone.

July 15, 1994


I Am...
This mask I wear
Has many layers,
That cover every part of me.
These layers are thick and
Cover my soul.

If you know me,
You know a mask.
If you get past one,
You find another.
If one breaks,
There is one to replace it.
They are never-ending.

You think you have gotten
Past all the frills and ribbons,
To find the real me.
But all you find is another mask.
~I am only a mask.~

sometime in '94


T & T
Truth and Trust
Are precious things.
Delicate and very easily broken.
They must be taken care of and nurtured.

They are not freely given,
They must be earned.
Once they are yours,
Take care.
Do not take trust or truth for granted
For they are hard to come by and
Not easily fixed.
Also remember they may not always
Be there for you.

Take heed and take care.

Feb. 21, '95

Click here if you want to read some more stuff I wrote...